AI Plugins and Methods

This article discusses various AI plugins and methods for data analysis used by analysts and data scientists. It includes guides on integrating popular AI models into Python, R, SAS and MS Office.

AI Plugins and Methods

How to Use AI Models in Python

The following tutorials show how to use ChatGPT and Gemini in Python, along with open-source options for large language models for Python users.

  1. 4 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Python
  2. How to Use Google's Gemini AI Model in Python
  3. How to Build ChatGPT Clone in Python
  4. 15 Free Open Source ChatGPT Alternatives (with Code)
  5. AutoGPT
  6. Massively Multilingual Speech (MMS) Model
  7. How to Use ChatGPT for Data Science
  8. Transformers Agent

AI Plugins for MS Office

The following tutorials discuss various methods to use ChatGPT and Gemini in MS Excel, PowerPoint and Word.

  1. 3 Ways to Integrate ChatGPT in Excel
  2. ChatGPT Plugin for Excel
  3. How to Use Google's Gemini in Excel
  4. ChatGPT Plugin for PowerPoint
  5. How to Integrate ChatGPT into MS Word

How to Use AI Models in R

The following tutorials show how to use ChatGPT in R and how to build a shiny application for ChatGPT.

  1. How to Use ChatGPT in R
  2. Integrating Google's Gemini AI Model into R
  3. How to Build ChatGPT Clone in Shiny App

How to Integrate AI Models into SAS

You can easily run ChatGPT and Gemini models in SAS. Refer to the guides below.

  1. ChatGPT in SAS
  2. Integrating Google's Gemini AI Model into SAS
  3. How ChatGPT-4 Passed the Base SAS Certification
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