How to Integrate ChatGPT into Microsoft Word

Deepanshu Bhalla Add Comment ,

In this post we will cover how to integrate ChatGPT into Microsoft Word. ChatGPT can boost your productivity and significantly improve your writing capabilities. Those who don't know ChatGPT, it is a state of the art language model which provides human like responses.

Table of Contents

MS Word Macro for ChatGPT

Integrating ChatGPT into MS Word has never been easier with this MS Word Macro for ChatGPT. There are many plugins available in the market but they are paid ones. Here we are covering the open source code to do this for free and customize it according to your needs. There are no prerequisites for using this macro.

Get OpenAI API Key

To get an OpenAI API Key, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up at using your Google or Microsoft account.
  2. Navigate to the API keys tab located at the bottom left of the dashboard to access the API key page.
  3. Click Create new secret key to generate a new API key.
Is ChatGPT API Free?

The OpenAI API comes with charges which are quite affordable. It is based on how much you use the API. If you don't use the API at all during a particular month, you won't be billed for that period. For more details on pricing, refer to OpenAI's pricing page.

Data Privacy : OpenAI's data privacy policy states that user data submitted through their API is not used to train their models.

VBA Code to Run ChatGPT inside MS Word

In this section you will see the VBA code below to run ChatGPT in MS Word. Make sure to enter your API Key in the code highlighted in red.

Sub chatGPT()

    Dim request As Object
    Dim text As String, response As String, API As String, api_key As String, DisplayText As String, error_result As String
    Dim startPos As Long, status_code As Long
    Dim prompt As String
    Dim selectedText As Range

    API = ""
    'Enter Your API Key
    'Model Name
	modelName = "gpt-4o-mini"

    If api_key = "" Then
        MsgBox "Error: API key is blank!"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Prompt the user to select text in the document
    If Selection.Type <> wdSelectionIP Then
        prompt = Trim(Selection.text)
        Set selectedText = Selection.Range
        MsgBox "Please select some text before running this macro."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    text = Replace(prompt, Chr(34), Chr(39))
    text = Replace(text, vbLf, "")
    text = Replace(text, vbCr, "")
    text = Replace(text, vbCrLf, "")

    ' Remove selection

    'Create an HTTP request object
    Set request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    With request
        .Open "POST", API, False
        .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
        .setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & api_key
        .send "{""model"":""" & modelName & """,  ""messages"": [{""content"":""" & text & """,""role"":""user""}]," _
             & """temperature"": 1}"
      status_code = .Status
      response = .responseText
    End With

    'Extract content
    If status_code = 200 Then
      DisplayText = ExtractContent(response)
    'Insert response text into Word document
    selectedText.InsertAfter vbNewLine & DisplayText

        startPos = InStr(response, """message"": """) + Len("""message"": """)
        endPos = InStr(startPos, response, """")
        If startPos > Len("""message"": """) And endPos > startPos Then
            DisplayText = Mid(response, startPos, endPos - startPos)
            DisplayText = ""
        End If
        'Insert error message into Word document
        EDisplayText = "Error : " & DisplayText
        selectedText.InsertAfter vbNewLine & EDisplayText
    End If
    'Clean up the object
    Set request = Nothing

End Sub

Function ExtractContent(jsonString As String) As String
    Dim startPos As Long
    Dim endPos As Long
    Dim Content As String
    startPos = InStr(jsonString, """content"": """) + Len("""content"": """)
    endPos = InStr(startPos, jsonString, "},") - 2
    Content = Mid(jsonString, startPos, endPos - startPos)
    Content = Trim(Replace(Content, "\""", Chr(34)))
    Content = Replace(Content, vbCrLf, "")
    Content = Replace(Content, vbLf, "")
    Content = Replace(Content, vbCr, "")
    Content = Replace(Content, "\n", vbCrLf)
    If Right(Content, 1) = """" Then
      Content = Left(Content, Len(Content) - 1)
    End If
    ExtractContent = Content

End Function

Follow the steps below to use ChatGPT in MS Word.

  1. Open a new or existing MS Word document
  2. Press Alt+F11 to open the VBA editor.
  3. Click Insert > Module to create a new module.
  4. In the module, paste the VBA code.
  5. Replace API Key in api_key with your actual API key.
  6. Close the VBA editor.
  7. In the MS Word Document, type the text you want to ask ChatGPT
  8. Select the text you typed in the previous step
  9. Run the macro by pressing Alt+F8 and then select ChatGPT and hit RUN button.
ChatGPT in MS Word
How to Use Latest ChatGPT Model
These models gpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini, gpt-4-turbo and gpt-4 always automatically use their respective latest versions.

VBA Code for Formatting ChatGPT Output in Word

The following program returns the output in a presentable form which includes highlighting certain keywords in bold, showing points in bullets or coloring specific sentences.

Sub chatGPTWord()

    Dim request As Object
    Dim text As String, response As String, API As String, api_key As String, DisplayText As String, error_result As String
    Dim startPos As Long, status_code As Long
    Dim prompt As String
    Dim selectedText As Range

    API = ""
    'Enter Your API Key
    'Model Name
	modelName = "gpt-4o-mini"

    systemPrompt = "You are a helpful chat bot that has expertise in HTML. Do not write explanations on replies. Output should start from <html> and ends with </html>."

    If api_key = "" Then
        MsgBox "Error: API key is blank!"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Prompt the user to select text in the document
    If Selection.Type <> wdSelectionIP Then
        prompt = Trim(Selection.text)
        Set selectedText = Selection.Range
        MsgBox "Please select some text before running this macro."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    text = Replace(prompt, Chr(34), Chr(39))
    text = Replace(text, vbLf, "")
    text = Replace(text, vbCr, "")
    text = Replace(text, vbCrLf, "")

    ' Remove selection

    'Create an HTTP request object
        Set request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        With request
            .Open "POST", API, False
            .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
            .setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & api_key
            .send "{""model"":""" & modelName & """,  ""messages"": [{""content"":""" & systemPrompt & """,""role"":""system""},{" & _
                    """content"":""" & text & """,""role"":""user""}],""temperature"": 1}"
            status_code = .Status
            response = .responseText
        End With

    'Extract content
    If status_code = 200 Then
        DisplayText = Replace(response, "\\", "\")
       'HTML tags
       If InStr(DisplayText, "<html>") <= 0 Then
        DisplayText = "<html>" & DisplayText
       End If
       If InStr(DisplayText, "</html>") <= 0 Then
        DisplayText = DisplayText & "</html>"
       End If
        Dim tags() As Variant
        tags = Array("<style>", "<li>", "<p>", "<h1>", "<h2>")
        Dim replaceText As String
        For Each Tag In tags
            If InStr(DisplayText, Tag) > 0 Then
                replaceText = ""
                Exit For
                replaceText = "<br/>"
            End If
        Next Tag
        DisplayText = Replace(DisplayText, vbLf, replaceText)
        DisplayText = Replace(DisplayText, vbCr, replaceText)
        DisplayText = Replace(DisplayText, vbCrLf, replaceText)
        DisplayText = Replace(DisplayText, vbTab, replaceText)
        DisplayText = Replace(DisplayText, "\n", replaceText)

        CreateHTMLAndConvertToWord (DisplayText)
        startPos = InStr(response, """message"": """) + Len("""message"": """)
        endPos = InStr(startPos, response, """")
        If startPos > Len("""message"": """) And endPos > startPos Then
            DisplayText = Mid(response, startPos, endPos - startPos)
            DisplayText = ""
        End If
        'Insert error message into Word document
        EDisplayText = "Error : " & DisplayText
        selectedText.InsertAfter vbNewLine & EDisplayText
    End If
    'Clean up the object
    Set request = Nothing

End Sub

Function CreateHTMLAndConvertToWord(htmlCode As String)
    Dim htmlFile As Object
    Dim doc As Document
    Dim baseFilePath As String
    Dim htmlFilePath As String
    Dim outputFilePath As String
    Dim app As New Word.Application
    Dim currentDate As String
    currentDate = Format(Now(), "mm-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss")
    'Construct full path of HTML file
    baseFilePath = ActiveDocument.Path
        If ActiveDocument.Path = "" Then
        With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
            .Title = "Select a folder to save the file"
            If .Show = -1 Then
                baseFilePath = .SelectedItems(1)
                MsgBox "No folder selected. File will not be saved.", vbExclamation
                Exit Function
            End If
        End With
       End If
    htmlFilePath = baseFilePath & "\sample_" & currentDate & ".html"
    outputFilePath = baseFilePath & "\output_" & currentDate & ".docx"
    fileNum = FreeFile
    Open htmlFilePath For Output As #fileNum
    Print #fileNum, htmlCode
    Close #fileNum
    'Open HTML file in Word and convert to Word format
    Documents.Open FileName:=htmlFilePath, ConfirmConversions:=False, _
        ReadOnly:=False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="", _
        PasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, WritePasswordDocument:="", _
        WritePasswordTemplate:="", Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, XMLTransform:=""
    ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:=outputFilePath, FileFormat:=wdFormatDocumentDefault
    'Close Word document
    'doc.Close SaveChanges:=True
    'Delete HTML file
    Kill htmlFilePath

End Function

Follow the same instructions to use the code as shown in the previous section.

Output will be generated and appeared in a few seconds. It will be saved in a new word document in the same folder where your active word document is stored. File name will be output_mm-dd-yyyy_hr-min-sec.docx. If your active Word document is not saved in any location, it will prompt you to select the folder where you want to save the output file.

Examples of Using ChatGPT in MS Word

Here are some examples of uses of ChatGPT in MS Word.

1. Resume Builder

You can generate resume with this macro. It is important that you provide a clear and detailed prompt so that ChatGPT generates resume according to your requirements. Always be specific and try with multiple prompts for best outcome. See some of the examples below -

Example 1 :

Write a professional resume for a [Profile Name]. I have [N] years of experience. My past titles and companies were [Title, Company Name]. Include bullet points.
Write a professional resume for a Data Scientist. I have 5 years of experience. My past titles and companies were Analyst, Barclays, Team Lead, JP Morgan. Include bullet points.

Output :

Generate resumes in MS Word using ChatGPT Add-In

Example 2 :

Write a resume for a [Profile Name] based on this job description. [Add Job Description Here]
2. Email Writing

You can ask ChatGPT to draft email for you. Whether you need to send a formal business email or a friendly message to a colleague or friend, ChatGPT can help you write a professional and well-drafted message. You just need to provide the purpose of email and some context and ChatGPT will generate a well-written email for you. You can also choose the tone of email.

Write an email to manager about sick leave tomorrow. My Manager’s name is Dave. My name is Deep.

Output :

Email Writing in MS Word using ChatGPT Add-In
Write an email to colleague about personal leave tomorrow. My colleague’s name is Joe. My name is Deep. Tone should be informal.

It's also good to specify tone - formal / informal/ humorous.

3. Summary Writing

ChatGPT can be used to summarize lengthy word document for you. For example you have a long document and you are asked to create summary based on it. It may be time consuming and boring to read the whole text and then write summary.

Summarise the text below in bullet points - [PASTE TEXT HERE]

How to Style ChatGPT Output

You can style MS Word Document by adding the following lines to the end of the prompt you ask ChatGPT

  • Highlight the headings in dark blue color.
    Write a resume for a Software Engineer. Highlight the headings in dark blue color.
  • Include bullet points.
  • Please format the text to be italic.
  • Text should be in red color.

How to Fine Tune ChatGPT Output

In the ChatGPT API, there is a temperature parameter which ranges from 0 to 2. Increasing the value, such as 1.2, will result in a more random output, whereas decreasing the value, like 0.2, will return a more focused output. You can change this in the macro.

Steps for Troubleshooting Errors

1. Error: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details
Solution : To fix this issue, you will need to upgrade to a paid account that charges you based on your API usage. This is not ChatGPT Plus but a paid plan for using API. It's very affordable, would roughly cost you less than a dollar per month even when you use API extensively daily.

  1. Visit OpenAI's website.
  2. After logged in, go to Billing page, and sign up for "Pay as you go" plan with your debit or credit card. If you are already using this plan, this error indicates that you are sending a high volume of requests to ChatGPT, which it cannot handle. It is also possible that your limit has been set too low. You can check your current quota in your account settings.

2. The error The model: gpt-4 does not exist means you don't have access to GPT-4 API. You must join the waitlist to access it. Your subscription to ChatGPT Plus (paid version of ChatGPT) does not guarantee automatic access to the GPT-4 API, regardless of whether you have it or not.

3. Sometimes, the ChatGPT API acts strangely and starts producing errors. If the macro was working fine for you before but is now returning errors, I suggest trying again a few more times. If the issue persists, please report it.

Refer the detailed guide about how to run ChatGPT in MS Excel and PowerPoint
ChatGPT Plugin for MS Excel
ChatGPT Plugin for MS PowerPoint.
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About Author:
Deepanshu Bhalla

Deepanshu founded ListenData with a simple objective - Make analytics easy to understand and follow. He has over 10 years of experience in data science. During his tenure, he worked with global clients in various domains like Banking, Insurance, Private Equity, Telecom and HR.

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