In SAS, you can calculate percentiles using PROC UNIVARIATE procedure.
Important options used for calculating percentile in PROC UNIVARIATE
- PCTLPTS : Specifies percentile levels
- PCTLPRE : Specifies one or more prefixes to create the variable names for the variables that contain the PCTLPTS= percentiles.
- PCTLNAME : Specifies one or more suffixes to create the variable names for the variables that contain the PCTLPTS= percentiles.
The following SAS code calculates the 90th and 99.5th percentile of variable 'a' from the dataset 'abcd' and saves the result to a dataset named 'outdata'.
proc univariate data = abcd noprint; var a; output out=outdata PCTLPTS = 90 99.5 PCTLPRE = a; run;
The following SAS code calculates the 99th percentile of variable 'a', 'b' and 'c' from the dataset 'abcd' and saves the result to a dataset named 'outdata'.
proc univariate data = abcd noprint; var a b c; output out=outdata PCTLPTS = 99 PCTLPRE = a b c PCTLNAME = _P99; run;

Important Points :
- If you specify 3 variables in var statement (var a b c) and only 1 prefix in PCTPRE, SAS will create percentile for only 1 variable that is mentioned first in the var statement.
- If the number of PCTLNAME= values is fewer than the number of percentiles or if you omit PCTLNAME=, PROC UNIVARIATE uses the percentile as the suffix to create the name of the variable that contains the percentile.
The following SAS code calculates percentiles from 0 to 5 by 0.5 increments and from 95 to 100 by 0.5 increments for variable 'c' from the dataset 'abcd' and saves the result to a dataset named 'outdata'.
proc univariate data = abcd noprint; var c; output out=outdata PCTLPTS = 0 to 5 by 0.5 , 95 to 100 by 0.5 PCTLPRE = P; run;
The PROC STDIZE procedure is used to find out percentiles in a tabular format. You don't need to specify prefix as original variable names will be used in the output dataset.
proc stdize data=sashelp.class PctlMtd=ORD_STAT outstat=outdata pctlpts=5,95; var height weight; run;
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